My Incubator

My Incubator
The latest design with temperature reader and user friendly temperature dial. At this moment, the price remains unchanged RM400 per unit.

Switching On Incubator

Switching On Incubator
This is the look of the incubator when it is on.

Temperature Stability Data

Temperature Stability Data
This data shows the stability of temperature when using this incubator with 60W X 2 bulb. Set at required temperature (i.e 38C), the max deviation is +-1C only. No doubt with little patience and consistency, you will get a good result as expected.

Temperature Reader

Temperature Reader
This is the gadget or instrument used to test the temperature stability which can record the temperature fluctuation and change over a period of time. It is a digital instrument that can present the data very well and accurate.

Why Need Incubator?

I think many of us asking this question. The answers are vary from one person to other person. But the common answer is the price of poultry like chicken is getting higher and higher from year to year. They own the incubator to rear their own from incubating the eggs themselves. With this they are not dependent too much on the chicken sold in the market. This is obviously can be seen in some villagers where they have some space to do this on their own.

Taking example in Kuching, Sarawak itself; the price of whole chicken this year 2012 is around RM8.50 per kg. I remember in the past 10 years, we could buy this much cheaper at RM5.00++ per kg.
Some prefer to own the incubator because of hobby. They like rearing chicken, goose etc. When they have their own unit, they can enjoy their hobby anytime they want.


To the beginner(s), some of us may new to this stuff. Let me use simple language to define this stuff:

1. What is incubator?
An instrument to hatch the eggs. Example is chicken and goose eggs.

2. Why need incubator?
Sometime the female does not want to hatch the eggs therefore we need an instrument to do this job. Example is goose.

3. How long to incubate?
Depending on the eggs. Normally they take within 3 - 4 weeks.

4. Is it a necessary to turn the eggs in incubator?
Yes, better one time in morning and another one time in evening.

5. Do I need to put a cup of water in incubator?
Yes, this helps to create moisturizing environment in the incubator and balancing the temperaure.

6. What determine the success of incubation?
Good egg quality, good incubator (with good functions), patience (this takes some time) and consistency (egg turning job).

My Incubator is a good choice?

Why "My Incubator" is a good choice?
It is cheap and affortable in price, simple in features, light, easy to wash, reliable, durable, made by experienced maker, has gone functional tested and multi-purpose. Multi-purpose in sense that some buyer uses this incubator to keep the newly born rabbit baby as a heating instrument. Actually this incubator has the feature that you can adjust the temperature to suit your need.

Why Buying A Cheap Incubator is Better Than Making Your Own?

It is simple. When getting all the stuffs and tools for making your own incubator, it takes you alot of time, money and energy.

Time: It takes time to choose the correct materials and electronic instruments for your incubator. It takes time to assemble the parts and coordinate them correctly. If the parts are not placed correctly, the incubator may not function properly as you deserved.

Money: It takes extra money to travel, compare the price and choose the suitable electronic parts for your incubator. Then you need to spend on the tools in order to make this. Tools like driller, rivet, screws and nuts, screw driver, grinder, jigsaw, etc are essential and needed to do all the works. It is a big spending and not worth it if you buy these tools while you only need to make one or two units. You may need to spend extra cash as well to buy the testing gadget to test whether your incubator functions well. By the moment you finish one unit, it has spent more cash than the return you may expect.

Energy: It also takes energy when you drive and visiting the shops selling the incubator materials and parts that you need. The moment you realized this, you have wasted alot of energy to make it.

Why have to go through all this hassle? Just buy a simple one that has been tested the reliability of it. "My Incubator" is one of the right choice.

Having said this, if you have other buyer that sells you the same stuffs with the same feature and price, it is much worth buying one instead of making your own.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pembeli dari UiTM

Saya cuba mengingat kembali pembeli pertama incubator saya. Orang pertama yang membeli incubator saya ialah seorang pensyarah atau pengajar di UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara) Kota Samarahan. Beliau mengusahakan ayam serama sebagai hobi sambilan dan incubator yang dibeli digunakan bagi mengeram telur-telur ayam serama beliau. Kalau saya tidak silap, nama beliau ialah Harrison. Beliau antara pembeli pertama yang membeli design yang pertama iaitu tupperware.

Tupperware atau kotak serbaguna ini pun ada gunanya. Katakan kalau anda mahu berehat sebentar dari mengeram telur ayam, tupperware atau bekas serbaguna ini boleh digunakan untuk menyimpan benda-benda lain. Kalau di rumah, tupperware ini berguna untuk kita simpan alat-alat pertukangan termasuklah baju dan sebagainya. Saya sendiri banyak menggunakan tupperware untuk menyimpan paku, skru, gergaji, pensel, tukul, alat-alat pertukangan elektrik dan sebagainya. Maka saya tidak hairan, pasti ada yang sepandangan dengan saya kenapa incubator boleh juga menggunakan tupperware plastik kerana kegunaan lainnya. Pasti adalah juga pembeli saya yang akan mencari incubator dari tupperware plastik.

Balik kepada cerita saya dengan Harrisan. Yang menariknya, saya baru sahaja mengiklankan produk saya ini di dan selepas itu terus dipanggil untuk berjumpa pada malam itu. Saya pada mulanya tidak pasti untuk berjumpa dengan beliau maklumlah sudah agak petang pula tu.

Akhirnya kami berjumpa dan selepas menerangkan bagaimana menggunakan incubator yang saya jual, tanpa teragak-agak beliau pun membeli 1 unit. Sampai sekarang ini iaitu selepas 2 tahun, beliau tidak pernah pun memanggil saya sekiranya beliau ada masalah dengan incubator yang dibeli beliau.

Inilah yang saya cuba ketengahkan iaitu produk yang memenuhi citarasa anda yakni harga berpatutan, senang dibeli dan dimiliki, senang diguna dan tidak memberi masalah teknikal. Kalau ada masalah selepas 2-3 tahun tu, saya rasa sudah balik modal anda sebab satu kitaran penetasan telur ialah dalam 3-4 minggu. Maksudnya selepas 2-3 tahun, pembeli sepatutnya sudahpun menggunakan incubator ini melebihi 24-36 kitaran. Anda pembeli masih boleh mencari saya untuk menukar bahagian yang rosak itu sekiranya perlu.

Mengikut pengalaman saya menggunakan jenis incubator yang saya jual ini:
1. Bahan plastik incubator boleh bertahan lebih dari 5 tahun dalam keadaan cuaca Malaysia.
2. Komponen electronik / electronik boleh bertahan menjangkaui lebih 3 tahun.

Saya bergurau dengan satu pembeli suatu masa dulu yakni incubator ini sukar untuk rosak kecualilah ia dibuang dari bangunan 3 tingkat maka hancurlah kotak dan komponen elektroniknya.

Selamat membeli dan mencuba incubator saya. Kalau ada cerita anda yang menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama, silalah email saya di alamat

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